Calling all kids & families: join our Summer Camp Open House on 3/15 to see what circus is all about!


Juggling + Clowning
We have an upcoming juggling workshop on January 22, with professional circus artist Book Kennison - you can sign up here!
Interested in performing a juggling or clowning act in a Circus Academy show? Check out our performance sessions to sign up!
Youth Programming
Check out our upcoming youth programming options! We have an upcoming All Day Circus Experience on January 22, a weeklong midwinter camp in February, and weeklong summer camps at our Brooklyn and Pier 40 locations in July and August.
Duo Trapeze Classes
In addition to duo lyra, we now offer duo trapeze (intro/level 1) classes! Join Megan D and Adain T on Tuesdays at 6:30pm, beginning November 19! No partner necessary. Learn more here.