Interested in juggling or clowning? Check out our upcoming juggling workshop and our performance sessions!
Our next Youth All Day Circus Experience are coming up on January 20 and 29!
Aerial Straps Level Breakdown
Intro Aerial Straps
Intro Aerial Straps is open to any beginner student—no experience necessary. Students will learn how to wrap and lock the straps on their wrists and hold basic inverted positions, such as tuck inversion, pike, and straddle. Students will learn how to engage their shoulders through a variety of positions. All classes are tailored to each student; no one is expected to do tricks that involve being upside down unless they are comfortable. The instructor will be close by to spot at all times. The height of the straps can also be adjusted to each student’s comfort level.
Intro prerequisites:
No experience necessary​
Level 1
Level 1 is for students who are comfortable holding inverted positions on their own (inverted tuck, pike, and straddle). In level 1 straps, students will continue to build strength and comfort in a variety of positions. Emphasis will be placed on aerial conditioning and learning drills that will build strength for more advanced straps positions, such as meathook, flags, half-straddle, levers, swings, and spins.
Level 1 prerequisites:
Can hang upside down in a pike, tuck, and straddle for at least 10 seconds unassisted
Ability to wrap wrists effectively without instructor cues
Can hang with shoulders engaged for at least 10 seconds
Level 2
Level 2 is for straps students who can invert with straight arms unassisted and are comfortable in returning from skin the cat and holding a meathook. In level 2 straps, students will continue to gain strength for one-arm skills, flags, rolls, levers, swings, and spins.
Level 2 prerequisites:
Return to the ground from inverted with control
Ability to straight arm-invert unassisted
Can return from a straight-leg skin the cat unassisted
Hold a meathook unassisted